Spread a Little Love

Valentine's Day Random Acts of Kindness Free Printable Tag

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner…  I’ll be celebrating the day by spreading a little love (okay carbs & sugar, but isn’t that the same thing?) into the universe.   Heart sugar cookies is one of the treats I’ll be delivering to people.  The kids and I have done this with sugar cookies before and it was a huge success.  They had so much fun handing out the cookies to unsuspecting people around town.  It ended up being one of their favorite RAOKs  – especially of the super shy, won’t talk to any stranger kid!  It must be cookie courage.

Valentine's Day Random Acts of Kindness


Valentine's Day RAOK

And here’s my other must-do RAOK for any occasion.  A Starbucks gift card ready for a new owner 🙂  I’ll attach the Valentine RAOK tag to it and have it ready for Valentine’s Day.

What ideas do you have for a Valentine’s Day Random Act of Kindness?  Download the Valentine RAOK tags here and use them when you spread a little love this Valentine’s Day!  Want to send a little love my way?  Share with me how you use the tags!


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