About me

I am a stay-at-home mom with four beautiful kids ages 5 to 15.  They keep me busy and keep me laughing.  They also destroy my furniture, constantly dirty things, and insist on being fed regularly.  Being a mom has been my full-time job for over 15 years and it’s the best job I’ve ever had.   It could also be the worse job I’ve ever had.  My bosses are pretty demanding.  I don’t get a day off or a lunch break.  I’m on call 24 hours a day, every day.  Talk about Big Brother – they don’t even let me use the bathroom unsupervised.   The pay stinks too, but my bonuses make up for it.  I get to spend my days with the people I love the most.  And it’s pretty hard to beat getting an unsolicited hug, kiss or “I love you” from one of your kids.

My husband and I have been married for 18 years.  We met at a dance club of all places.  (Who says you can’t find love at a bar?)  He danced his way into my life and we were married 17 months later.  It’s a good thing we found each other.  He puts up with my bossiness (I like things done MY way.)  In return, I deal with him being an Engineer and making things overly complicated.  We’re a good team.  Marrying Jesse changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.  He was in the Navy and we moved 3,000 miles away one week after the wedding.  I never would have guessed back then that I would end up with four kids and a minivan.  He’s still in the Navy and we have lived in 11 homes in 18 years.  Six times we have moved coast to coast.   We have met the most wonderful friends that we have collected along the way and added to our extended family tree.

I am a huge fan of Random Acts of Kindness.  I have realized that when I am doing them, or even planning to do them, I’m a much happier person.  It puts my life into balance by bringing me back to whats important – making the world a better place for my kids.  I was the recipient of a Random Act of Kindness several years ago while on a road trip with my kids.  We stopped at a Dunkin Donuts in Delaware to use the restroom and hook me up to a caffeine IV.  While I was waiting for my coffee, an older gentleman walked over to me and handed me ten dollars.  He told me to buy a treat for the kids and quickly slipped away before I could even manage a “thank you”.  The kids didn’t need the treat – they had been eating junk food for the past 6 hours while driving, but we bought donuts anyway.  They were thrilled.  And I was in awe that someone would be so kind.  I was like the Grinch who stole Christmas – my heart grew two sizes that day.  I may not ever be able to tell him how much his act of kindness meant to me, but I can try to spread a little happiness of my own.

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