Buy Girl Scout Cookies and Maintain Your Healthy Diet: 3 Simple Tips

How can you resist buying cookies when those sweet little Girl Scouts come knocking on your door? Or when “cookie booth” time rolls around and they’re standing in front the stores peddling their boxes of yumminess? It’s almost impossible, which is a good thing. The Girl Scouts use the money from cookie sales to keep their program running. It’s also a great lesson in sales, budget planning, and goal setting for the girls who get to decide what to do with their troop’s portion of the sales amount.

But are you eating clean? Or are you trying to lose a few pounds? If so, you’re probably thinking you should resist the urge to buy a box or two (or ten) so that you won’t be tempted to eat them. But you don’t need to resist. Here are a few ways to purchase cookies and not find yourself sitting in the pantry chowing down on a box while the kids are in school:

1.  Donate cookies to Troops to Troops   Many Girl Scout troops participate in this program. You purchase cookies, and instead of them being delivered to your house, they will be sent to military men and women serving overseas. How awesome is this? Those pesky little bites of minty chocolate never have to enter your house and whisper sweet nothings when you walk past the pantry.

2. Give a Random Act of Kindness   Purchase a box or two (or ten), attach one of the tags below, and hand them out to brighten someone’s day. The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas of who you could pass them on to:

  • neighbors
  • co-workers
  • friend having a bad day
  • police officer
  • fire fighter
  • mail carrier
  • cashier at the store
  • your waitress
  • office staff at your kid’s school
  • bus driver
  • receptionist at your doctor’s office
  • clients
  • random unsuspecting STRANGERS (my favorite!)

3. Give someone else the opportunity to do a Random Act of Kindness  Buy cookies, but ask the Girl Scout to perform a Random Act of Kindness of her own and pass them on to someone else. You can feel especially good about this one. You won’t be eating the cookies, you will be doing an act of kindness yourself, AND encouraging someone else to do an act of kindness. And this works well for Girl Scouts you know that don’t live nearby. Just print up some Random Acts of Kindness tags below and mail them with your check when you place your order.

Random Acts of Kindness free printable tags

Click on image to download tags

So go buy some cookies.  It’s a great excuse to do a Random Act of Kindness.



P.S.  I don’t have a Girl Scout in the house any more. But I have a rule that I adopted several years ago from my  then Brownie Co-Leader: I’ll buy one box of cookies from any Girl Scout who knocks on my door. I never say no. Our family eats a few, but I also buy them to spread kindness to others.